Friday, December 6, 2013

The Big Move

Well I should start by introducing myself, hello, my name is Amanda and I just moved to Alaska.  Yesterday I packed up my things into 4 suitcases, loaded up my dog in her carrier and flew up to Alaska with my amazing boyfriend Colin.  I was living in Western Washington for the past year when he and I reconnected and decided it would be a good idea to move me up north, to a town with a population of about 1000 people.  

Now, having only been to Alaska once, I was a little nervous but more excited than anything.  I knew that this would be an amazing adventure for me.  Not to mention, spending my life with the man I love was a huge incentive to move :)  So, he flew down to visit me about a week ago, we packed up my stuff and the dog and flew back to Fairbanks together.  I went from 56 degree weather to -2 in just a short 4 hour plane ride.

We arrived in Fairbanks and promptly went shopping as fast and furious as we could because we didn't want to leave the dog in the car too long with negative degree weather.  Went to Alaska Feed to get the dog (Dahlia) some food and new bowls because apparently I left the old ones back in Washington like a responsible pet owner.

We then drove the 2 hours south to my new it is :)

There is more snow on the ground now than this picture shows.  We have about 1 foot now.  

We have a lot of plans for what we want to do with our house and property, now all I have to do is wait for the snow to melt :)

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