Saturday, December 14, 2013

Homemade Pancake Syrup

So I went to make pancakes the other morning for myself and Colin and I quickly realized...I don't have any syrup.  Crap.  So I look in our pantry, lo and behold we have all the ingredients necessary to make syrup from scratch!  I am thinking this is really going to come in handy over the years since I like the good syrup, the expensive $8 or more for a bottle of syrup at the grocery store.  Also, since the nearest grocery store is 2 hours away...this will probably save me some time and money.


1 cup water
1 cup corn syrup
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup white sugar (or raw)
1 tsp vanilla or maple extract

Place all ingredients into medium saucepan and simmer until all sugar is dissolved.  Stir frequently so it doesn't bubble and burn.  

Pour into glass container.  

(we have a habit of re-using our old glass jars, just for an occasion such as this)

OR...if you have a clean, empty plastic squeeze bottle, that would probably work better.  When it it cooled down enough, put in the refrigerator.  


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