Sunday, December 8, 2013

Off the leash

So the last few days here in my new surroundings have given my emotional stability a run for it's money.  2 days ago I put on my brand new Baffin boots and my brand new parka and ventured outside into the snow.  It was just me, Colin, Dahlia (my dog) and nature.  My god its beautiful here!

After admiring the view for a while, I shoveled Dahlia a spot in the snow off the side of the house for her to do her "business".  I am not picking up her dog poo off the deck when the snow starts to melt.  Not no way, not no how.  Meanwhile, Colin started up the snowmachine to get the old fuel burned off and I was surprised at how the noise didn't affect her at all.
We have 5 acres of property that is surrounded by Birch trees, low bush cranberries and blueberries.  I am used to city streets and wailing when Colin suggested that we let Dahlia off the leash for the first time, I was a little more than hesitant.  Drum roll please.........she did great!  I was so proud of her!  She didn't run off, she was bounding through the snow and she actually followed us around the property.  Such a relief!
I have to say, seeing Colin play fetch with Dahlia in the snow and me all bundled up in my new gear he bought me, surrounded by silence...I started to cry.  I have never felt so comfortable with someone in my life.  I knew in that moment that this is where I am supposed to be.

Later on that day we put up our little 4 foot, artificial Christmas tree :)  Which, sitting on its stand with the tree topper, it is now taller than both Colin and I.  Not by much...but still taller.

We combined our ornaments on to our tree with multi-colored lights (which I kind of hate but am getting used to) and put on the Alaska tree topper that he made last year.  Sitting on its stand with its MacFarlane tartan tree skirt, I stepped back to take a look at the finished product.

This is the first tree I have ever shared with a significant other.

I again started to get all teary eyed.

After the tree was finished I put on some Christmas music and watched Colin put up the lights outside.

Well, when I say watched, I mean I watched him from inside the house through the windows :)  When he was finished we walked outside and down the driveway to take a look at the house in all its glory.

                                                                         ta da!

Again...tears.  Tears because this is the first home I have shared with someone who has put lights up.  Basically this is becoming the best Christmas ever and its barely December.  I am finally coming to the realization that I am an adult.  Yes, I am only 26 and I know that I am still young, but this is a big deal.  To finally be with someone who makes me feel so happy and complete.  To be with someone who likes putting up Christmas lights and a tree.  Someone who enjoys making a home together.

I think I hit the jackpot.

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